Entries by BusinessEnergizers.net

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Assess the Success of Your Organization in 10 Minutes

Wow, can you believe we’re already midway through 2021! Have you assessed the success of your organization lately? This quick and easy organizational assessment tool will take you only 10 minutes to see what’s going well and what to improve. The Business Energizers™’ Circle of Success TM organizational assessment tool will enable you and your […]

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Cope with 2020 by Practicing Purity, Patience, and Perseverance

Twenty years ago, I learned a valuable life-principle for dealing with chaos and uncertainty that has helped me to better cope with 2020 by practicing purity, patience, and perseverance. My three trips to an ashram in India from 1996 to 2001 continued to reinforce the importance of living this revitalizing triad of values. It has […]

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Do Values or Principles Matter Anymore?

Do values or principles matter anymore? If so, what is the most important value or principle you live by? Why? For me, two intertwined principles seem to rise up from deep within our collective humanity during trying times such as these we are facing today—a global pandemic, widespread unemployment, and the recalibration of political, cultural, […]

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Strengthen Your C.O.A.R. in Business and Life with Strategic Focus

Want some relief during the stressful, chaotic times we are experiencing on a global scale? It helps me to remind myself that chaos is the catalyst for great opportunity, to strengthen strategic focus. We can choose to be creators or reactors in life. A creative life is a joyful, expansive life. A reactive life is […]

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Your Compass to Realize Business Success

Spring has nearly sprung to life. Here in Arizona, wildflowers are bursting into bloom. Soon the rest of the country will follow suit. Spring is also a time for cleaning and organizing our lives—and our businesses. It’s the perfect time to refresh your strategic plan. Strategic planning is one of the best ways to truly […]