Goals Energize Our Lives-Ray and Lyn achieving their Italy goal

Ray and Lyn celebrating their 25th anniversary in Italy 2022.

Goals energize our lives.

Goals provide us greater clarity, focus, and direction for living more joyful, fulfilling, and meaningful lives.


These tips will have you setting goals the SMART WAY.

Make them…

  • Specific(not too vague),
  • Measurable(so you know the progress you’re making),
  • Attainable(but a definite stretch),
  • Relevant(in alignment with your purpose, values, mission, and vision), and…
  • Time-bound(scheduled milestones). It is also important that you have them be…
  • Written(this makes them more solid), and build in…
  • Accountability(hence the need for individual development plans for your employees) and, finally, have a strong…
  • Yearningto achieve them (never underestimate the power of enthusiasm).

Here is a good example of a goal statement

Here is an example of a goal that my wife, Lyn, and I set for ourselves in 2019. We also created a vision board with inspiring pictures of all the wonderful places we wanted to experience.

Lyn and I are celebrating our charmed, rich life as soul mates for 25 years in Italy in November 2022. I am mesmerized by the beauty and rich culture of Rome, Venice, Florence, and the surrounding Tuscany countryside.


From November 18 to December 1, 2022, we manifested this amazing goal and most everything on our vision board.

What lofty goal do you want to achieve for 2023 or beyond?

Much success and fulfillment,



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Also, check out my FREE online class will shine more of a light on Goal Setting and other elements of strategic planning…

Click this link to my resources page to get access to my FREE Strategic Planning 101 online class.


I am happy to talk if you have questions or want assistance with strategic planning. Click this link to schedule a free 30-minute energizer Zoom call.

3 replies
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