Golden Rule 02These turbulent global times demand that we return to basic universal principles both personally and professionally.

Here are some examples of successful organizations that deliver exemplary service by putting into practice a simple, timeless, and powerful core value—The Golden Rule. If you think it’s “too touchy-feely” for your organization, think again.

How about Hewlett Packard’s “The HP Way”— which focuses on respect and concern for the individual. It is simply the Golden Rule, which says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

HP was identified in Built to Last, by James Collins and Jerry Porras, as one of the most successful visionary companies of the past hundred years.

One of the most popular business books of all time, Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People, dedicates over half its contents to illustrating different facets of “The Golden Rule.” Since the book’s release in 1936, it has sold more than 15 million copies. Today, it is still listed on bestseller lists along with other current top-selling business books.

Not convinced yet? One of the oldest and largest business associations, Rotary International, advocates applying “The 4-Way Test” in making sound business decisions.

Before deciding a course of action, apply “The 4-Way Test” to the things we think, say and do:

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned?
  3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

These are all facets of “The Golden Rule!”

Conclusion: It simply makes good business (and personal) sense to invoke this universal principle of service in order to attract and retain customers (and valued employees).

Whenever I facilitate the core values portion of the strategic planning process, I begin by asking the participants to brainstorm these two types of Golden Rule questions:

  • “How do you like to be treated as an employee?” and
  • “How do your customers like to be treated?”

Answering these simple, yet profound, questions will establish or clarify the behavioral values of your organization. Also, the greater the number of employees you involve in defining “their own behavioral values,” the greater will be their enthusiastic buy-in for implementing them.

You will find that these values also provide a worthwhile tool for measuring individual and team service success.

So, how do you like to be treated?

Much success and fulfillment,


Ray Madaghiele is Chief Inspiration Officer at Business Energizers™, a division of TLC, an organizational and human excellence company.

Ray is the author of the book Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process, which was launched last week. Learn more or purchase at . This article is adapted from Chapter 11.

Ray is a Master Facilitator who has a unique lifestyle as a full-time RVer, operating his business while he and his wife, Lyn, roll across North America. Their present RV lifestyle evolved from Ray’s 3,369 mile, 70 day, transformational bicycle ride from Phoenix, AZ to Ground Zero New York City in 2002.

BaloonsPlease join the celebration for the official Amazon launch of my new book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process.

It went live today! Woo-hoo!

Thank you for your support and encouragement for this book that will change businesses—and lives.


For many of you, this is also the day you have been waiting for to purchase copies of the print book for yourself, your friends, family, and associates.

I have activated a special discount code that starts today and lasts until Friday, November 15th. You and your family, friends, and associates can purchase as many print books as you wish this week for $5 off each book. That’s an amazing 30% savings! Click here to get the code

Thank you again for all your support and for being part of a successful book launch!

Much success and fulfillment,



P.S. Please help to spread the word about Energize Your Business. If you’ve already enjoyed reading at least some of the book, would you please post a book review on Amazon. That way people will get a better idea of the value they’ll receive when they purchase their own book.

Remember to download your FREE companion Strategic Planning Guidebook at It is designed to help you get the most out of the book’s valuable tools, forms, and tips so you can apply them to your own organization.

Please join the energizing conversations at my blog

As always, please spread the word by sharing this information with your family, friends and associates.

20-3rd Phase Intro-Fig10-P110-Get Going COI 2015-05-08Once you “Get Clear” and “Get Organized” it’s time to “Get Going” with everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction. Successful businesses know how important it is to move into action quickly after the direction has been set.

In my previous two blog posts I shared the first 5 steps of the strategic planning process that help you to “Get Clear” about the direction of your organization, and three steps to “Get Organized”. The focus of this blog is moving into action.

Here are the next 2 steps of the strategic planning process cycle to help you “Get Going”…

9.  Prepare for Ignition – Jack Welch said, “When it comes to strategy, ponder less and do more.” After you have defined your Goals, Objectives and Strategies, it’s time to identify how you are going to achieve them—tactically. It’s time to pay attention to the details—to identify the detailed Tactics (action steps), to schedule the timeline for accomplishing them, to identify the resources required, and to assign people to each task.

Now the proverbial “rubber meets the road.” Up to this point, you have been building potential energy, similar to that of rollercoaster cars climbing the initial big hill. Now it’s time for kinetic energy to take over as the rollercoaster cars rush down from the top of the hill—as you put your plans into action! It can be very exciting—and sometimes a little scary. So remember, too, that it’s time to step into your fear and experience the fruits of your labor.

Jack Canfield says, “Remember, you and you alone are responsible for maintaining your energy. Give up blaming, complaining, and excuse-making, and keep taking action in the direction of your goals–however mundane or lofty they may be.”

10.  Keep the Energy Flowing – Napoleon Hill said, “All natural laws and all of nature’s plans are based upon harmonious, cooperative effort.” So, who is responsible for the success of your new strategic plan? Everyone! Gain enthusiastic support and buy-in for the plan by involving ALL employees in the process. Assign everyone a piece of the puzzle to help keep the plan alive. Once your action plans are complete, the task at hand is to keep them alive, employing everyone’s cooperation and collaboration. Don’t let your planning book gather dust on a shelf, never to be seen again until next year’s planning retreat. Allow your strategic plan to be a living, breathing guide to individual and organizational success.

Done right, the strategic plan should guide everyone’s actions by constantly reminding them of the most important use of their time. Create an environment where everyone collaborates to deliver “24k Gold Service” that improves customer and employee loyalty and maximizes profitability.

What do you do to “Get Going” with everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction?

Much success and fulfillment,


Chief Inspiration Officer
Business Energizers™

This post is adapted from my book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. Click this link to learn more or purchase:

I invite you to follow this blog to learn and share valuable tools and tips. And please connect with me on my social media channels.

12-2nd Phase Intro-Fig06AP85-COI Get OrgHow do you help your employees “Get Organized” as you energize and engage your employees with an inspiring strategic planning process? That’s what successful businesses do.

In my previous blog post I shared the first 5 steps of the strategic planning process that help you to “Get Clear” about the direction of your organization.

Here are the next 3 steps of the strategic planning process cycle to help you solidify your strategic direction and…

Get Organized!

6.  Do Some Soul Searching – Warren Buffet said “In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” When you reflect on and understand your Strengths, Possible improvements, Opportunities and Challenges (SPOC Analysis) as an organization, you can chart the best course toward your goals and figure out the actions needed to reach your company vision.

7.  Focus Your Energy – What you focus on expands and grows stronger, so, focus your attention on your desired intention. This will help you to know which opportunities to say “yes” to and which to say “no” to. Oprah Winfrey said “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

8.  Chart Your Course – Companies that use strategic planning to set only financial targets are missing out on some of the most rewarding benefits and possibilities. Establish goals, objectives, and strategies that will be inspiring and energizing, not just financial targets to achieve. Involve your employees in the process before you get too far down the path.

What else do you do to “Get Organized” and get everyone moving toward achieving your strategic direction?

Much success and fulfillment,

Chief Inspiration Officer
Business Energizers™

This post is adapted from my book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. Click this link to learn more or purchase:

I invite you to follow this blog to learn and share valuable tools and tips. And please connect with me on my social media channels.

Energize and engage your employees with an inspiring strategic planning process that helps everyone get clear, get organized, get going, and get results. That’s what successful businesses do.

Here are the first 5 steps of the strategic planning process cycle that, done right, tends to amplify and accelerate the success of any organization:

To Get Clear about your unique company culture and strategic direction…

  1. See Where You Ar05-1stPhase Intro-Fig04-P31-Get Clear COI 2015-04-21e – Many leaders are trying to run their organizations with “flat spots” that decrease productivity, produce inefficiencies, and impede growth. A strategic plan is vital for any start-up or seasoned business. It is like a trail map and compass for hiking in the wilderness. But to begin any journey, you first need to know where you are.
  2. Remember Your ‘Big Why?’ – Knowing your core purpose keeps you centered on what’s most important—during good times and challenging times. The purpose of your organization is like the seed of an apple. No one knows the potential yield of your organization and how much can be produced in the lifetime of your company.
  3. Infuse Your Culture – Values are your guide for weathering ethical dilemmas. They become the fabric for weaving good sound decisions. Values should be at the core of all the decisions employees make. They show what your company stands for.
  4. Know Your Business – Clearly defining your mission helps you know what opportunities to say “yes” to and which to say “no” to. Once you have created your mission statement, you will have defined the limits of what you will focus on as an organization. W. Clement Stone said “When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.”
  5. Envision Your Future – When you create a clear vision, it expands the collective thinking of your organization to encompass greater possibility and influence. A lofty vision is energizing. It excites everyone involved. It generates hope for the future. Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

How well has your organization done with involving your employees in the creation of these first five elements of the strategic planning process?

Much success and fulfillment,


(Excerpts from Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process)

Facilitating an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process

Facilitating an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process

Planning is vital for the success of your business—no matter how many employees you have. And you don’t have to do it alone. In fact, you shouldn’t. Employee engagement in the strategic planning process is the best way to gain enthusiastic buy-in and support.

Unfortunately, the experience many people have with strategic planning resembles a definition I heard several years ago when I attended a seminar on strategic planning. The speaker characterized the strategic planning process as “a painful, boring, dreaded-but-necessary evil,” while I sat there thinking, “No! It doesn’t have to be that way!” Then he talked about the process being “the sole responsibility of the top leaders in the organization.” Again, I thought, “No, no, no!”

If your experience parallels mine, I invite you to continue reading this blog to discover a much more inspiring and fun approach. Yes, even fun!

A strategic plan done right should inspire its participants and leave a lasting, positive impression. It could even be life-changing.

For example, while I was writing my book, Energize Your Business, I coincidentally bumped into a former client in a restaurant. I spotted Mike and decided to say hello. He was meeting with a partner for a new business venture.

Without skipping a beat, Mike shared with me how important a strategic planning retreat that a colleague and I had presented to his leadership team in 1999 had been for him and his organization. In fact, he opened the notebook on the table in front of him to show me that he still carries with him the purpose, mission, and values we guided his team to create sixteen years ago. What came next blew me away. Completely from memory, and without even glancing down at his notebook, he repeated their heartfelt purpose statement: “to touch those we serve, and transform dreams into reality.” Wow! I’m sure my mouth was hanging open. Then, what Mike said next really hit home: “This has essentially become my purpose in life, too. During our retreat, you brought in the spiritual side of the planning process, which really catapulted it to a higher level than we had ever had before, and we still operate at that same level.”

What if your strategic planning process could be this memorable and durable?

The truth is, planning is vital for the success of your business—no matter how many employees you have. And it has also been my experience that your employees care more about the success of your company—and are smarter—than you think. Every one of your employees has something to contribute to the process, irrespective of what his or her role in the organization may be. Why? Because everyone wants to be a valuable part of something meaningful.

A strategic plan done right will inspire its participants and leave a lasting, positive impression. It may even be life-changing. Done well, the process . . .

  • is an engaging, inspiring and fun opportunity to create collaboration and cooperation among all employees
  • creates alignment from the top of the organization to the frontline—getting everyone moving in the same direction toward the same vision and goals
  • attracts the right and perfect employees and customers, people who resonate with your organization’s culture and aspirations
  • energizes and lifts your organization and everyone in it to the next level of success and fulfillment!

If you are a business owner or leader who already has a strategic plan, is it time to dust it off and refresh it? If you haven’t created one yet, maybe it’s time.

And, if you are thinking of starting a business, creating your strategic plan will establish a solid foundation for enduring success, fulfillment and inspiration.

What has been your experience with strategic planning? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Much success,

Chief Inspiration Officer, Business Energizers™ a division of TLC

This post is adapted from my book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. Click this link to learn more or purchase:

Please follow this blog to learn and share valuable tools and tips. And connect with me on my social media channels.

Energize Your Business cover

Do you own a business, are you thinking of starting a business, or are you a leader in an organization? If so, I bet you know how vital creating a strategic plan is to the success of your business. I hope you also understand how important employee engagement is for achieving enthusiastic buy-in and support of the plan.

That is the very reason I have invested the past 9 months documenting my secrets, tools and tips in my new book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. I am happy to share with you my 25 years experience of facilitating strategic planning and employee engagement processes.

My bouncing baby book is finally in the birth canal! Today I approved the book and it will be released on November 9, 2015, in both print and eBook forms. I am excited to share this valuable information, so stay tuned.

You can learn more, and even take advantage of my current eBook pre-release special by clicking this link

Much success,

Ray Madaghiele, Chief Inspiration Officer
Business Energizers™ a division of Transformational Learning Center