Entries by Ray Madaghiele

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Jump Start 2017

With 2016 nearly wrapped up, I hope that you are taking a deep, contemplative breath and a little time for personal reflection. Every year we weave a unique tapestry of adventures we have experienced, successes we have accomplished, and setbacks we have suffered. Reflect on the Past Year Part of my ritual this time of […]

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Facilitation Tips to Energize and Streamline Your Meetings

When asked to facilitate a group meeting, equip yourself with the right tools to energize the participants and accomplish the objectives. Last week I had the honor and pleasure to facilitate an afternoon SCORE workshop for a group of small business owners titled, A Strategic Planning Process that Energizes Your Business. Being directly after lunch, […]

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12 Steps to Creating an Inspiring Strategic Plan (Part 2)

  (This is the second of two posts highlighting this powerful 12-step process. Click here to read about the first 6-steps in last week’s article.) Energize and engage your employees with an inspiring strategic planning process that helps everyone get clear, get organized, get going, and get results. That’s what successful businesses do. Here are the remaining […]

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12 Steps to Creating an Inspiring Strategic Plan (Part 1)

Energize and engage your employees with an inspiring strategic planning process that helps everyone get clear, get organized, get going, and get results. That’s what successful businesses do. (This is the first of two articles highlighting this powerful 12-step process. Look for Part 2 next week.) Here are the first 6 of 12 steps of the […]

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Choosing the Right Facilitator for Your Strategic Planning Retreat

The success of your strategic planning process depends upon selecting the right facilitator. This person will be the foundation upon which everything is built during the process. It is critical that you choose a neutral facilitator(s) in order to guarantee that everyone’s voice will be heard. An experienced facilitator will guide the process without bias, […]

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Jordan Spieth Reveals How Great Leaders Handle Defeat

Did you watch the final round of the Masters golf tournament yesterday? If you were like me you were shell-shocked and heart-broken to see Jordan Spieth’s  record-setting performance and 5-point lead disappear within a matter of minutes—bogey, bogey, quadruple bogey. A devastating blow for Jordan. However, I continued to watch Jordan grapple with his demons […]

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Dare to Be Humble and Kind in Business and Life

Have you heard Tim McGraw’s new song Humble and Kind (written by Lori McKenna)? I dare you to listen and watch the amazing video collaboration with Oprah Winfrey and Wes Edwards and not be deeply moved. I have.   https://www.facebook.com/TimMcGraw/videos/10153924575173556/ The lyrics speak of simple truths to happiness, fulfillment and success in life and business. […]

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Plan – Decide – Act

“When it comes to strategy, ponder less and do more.” ~Jack Welch While developing your strategic plan (i.e., purpose, values, mission, vision, goals, objectives and strategies), you are building potential energy, similar to that of roller-coaster cars climbing the initial big hill. Then it’s time for kinetic energy to take over as the roller-coaster cars […]