Tag Archive for: employee engagement

Have you assessed the success of your organization lately?

This quick and easy Circle of Success Organizational Assessment Tool (TM) will take you only 10 minutes to visually see what’s going well and what to improve in your company.

Overview of the Circle of Success Organizational Assessment Tool (TM)


Circle of Success Organizational Assessment ToolThe Business Energizers® Circle of Success Organizational Assessment Tool is an organizational medicine wheel.

For several decades, I have been using this simple, yet revealing tool when I work with the organizations to facilitate strategic planning. The tool:

  • Provides leaders with a quick visual assessment of many of the ingredients that generate success and profitability in organizations.
  • Enables you and your employees to see at a glance the “flat spots” that are hobbling your organization.
  • Reveals the areas in which you are maximizing your potential.
  • Engages employees as a teambuilding exercise.

Understanding the Circle of Success

  • You’ll notice that there are four quadrants in this wheel: (1) Planning; (2) Staffing; (3) Teambuilding; (4) Processes.
  • Each quadrant has 4-sectors, or focus areas. These are 16 areas where you can invest energy and resources.
  • Superimposed on the Circle of Success is a horizontal scale identified by 10 concentric circles with zero (“0”) in the center and “10” on the outer circumference. Here’s how it works…

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Strategic Alignment Model for Employee Engagement in the Strategic Planning ProcessDo you have strategic alignment such that your employees are on the same page,

moving in the same direction,

toward the same common goals?



Engage Employees in the Strategic Planning Process

What I love about a well-done strategic planning process is that it accomplishes collaboration and cooperation throughout your organization.

Having everyone participate in the process naturally creates enthusiastic buy-in and support all the way from the top tier of the organization to the frontline.

Create Strategic Alignment

The Strategic Alignment Model above shows what’s possible with respect to involving more and more people in the process as it unfolds. It is a natural, cascading effect—similar to water flowing down terraces in a mountain stream. Here are the steps: Read more

What does love and Valentine’s Day have to do with business? In a nutshell, everything!

  • Customers and employees who feel loved are more loyal to your company.
  • Employees who love their bosses and their jobs perform better.
  • Customers and employees who feel loved share their experiences with others.

What if this is true: “It’s all about love!”?

Simply put: Love aspires. Love inspires. Love grows.

Let’s look at two extraordinary companies, both of which were launched in 1971—more than 45 years ago—operating with love as an essential core value.

Have you ever enjoyed a burger and a beer at a Hard Rock Café? Did you know that the company was founded by two hippies who chose love, peace, and rock-‘n-roll as their mantra? Isaac Tigrett and Peter Morton were two shaggy-haired Americans who just wanted to find a good American burger while living in London. They built their first café on London’s Hyde Park corner as the first “classless” restaurant in the class-laden English society.

Today there are more than 175 Hard Rock locations, which include restaurants, hotels, casinos, and live music venues in 55 countries. Emblazoned on the wall of every property is, “Love All, Serve All.” It is the life—and business—success principle that Tigrett borrowed from his guru in India.

The Seminole Tribe acquired the Hard Rock companies in 2007, continuing to keep its love-based culture alive. Their mottos are still visible: “Love All, Serve All,” “Take Time to Be Kind,” “All Is One,” and “Save the Planet.” And how’s this for a core value: “Deliver kick-ass service.”

Southwest Airlines is another company that fearlessly embraces love (“LUV”) as a fundamental principle.

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What I love about a well-done strategic planning process is that it accomplishes collaboration and cooperation throughout your organization. Having everyone participate in the process naturally creates enthusiastic buy-in and support all the way from the top tier of the organization to the frontline.

The Strategic Alignment Model shows what’s possible with respect to involving more and more people in the process as it unfolds. It is a natural, cascading effect—similar to water flowing down terraces in a mountain stream. Read more

Energizing FacilitationThe success of your strategic planning process depends upon selecting the right facilitator. This person will be the foundation upon which everything is built during the process.

It is critical that you choose a neutral facilitator(s) in order to guarantee that everyone’s voice will be heard. An experienced facilitator will guide the process without bias, ask the tough questions, and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to provide input. A skilled, seasoned facilitator will keep things fun, engaging, and on track by using an array of tools in his or her facilitation tool box—including storyboarding, small group activities, teambuilding elements, interactive dialogue, and intimate experiences—all seamlessly interwoven throughout the natural unfoldment of the process.

Fa·cil·i·ta·tor One that facilitates; especially: one that helps to bring about an outcome (as learning, productivity, or communication) by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance, guidance, or supervision ~Merriam Webster Dictionary

The science of facilitation is the step-by-step activity. It is what needs to be done to complete each element of the process, while progressively asking the right questions at the right time—each question building upon the next.

The art of facilitation is how you go about accomplishing it. It involves sensing the energy of the participants and knowing when to ask a tough question that will reveal the “elephant in the room”—a vital issue that is screaming for attention and crying out to be resolved. The art requires listening beneath the words for deeper meaning. It entails using uplifting energy and wit to lighten up tense situations.

The success of your strategic planning process will depend upon how safe people feel in sharing their deepest thoughts and feelings. Read more

Core Values GraphicWhat does your organization stand for—your core values? Successful business owners understand how vital a company’s core values are to creating a company culture that results in happy, productive, successful employees, which, in turn, leads to happy customers and a healthy bottom-line.

Values are your guide for weathering ethical dilemmas. They become the fabric for weaving good sound decisions. Values become your employees’ moral compass. For your company’s values to permeate throughout your organization, it will take conscious, consistent, deliberate actions.

Jim Collins & Jerry Porras (authors, Built to Last) say…

“The only truly reliable source of stability is a strong inner core [purpose and values] and the willingness to change and adapt everything except that core.”

Core values form the root system of your organization. Values nourish and stabilize your company. They represent the ideals that your organization stands for. They form your legacy. The more widespread and deeply imbedded your values, the more likely it is that your organization will stand the test of time. A company that knows and practices core values can weather storms and the winds of change… (Click here to read more of this LinkedIn article)


(Adapted from Chapter 3 of my new book Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. Read free chapters and learn more at www.EnergizeYourBusiness.biz .)

20-3rd Phase Intro-Fig10-P110-Get Going COI 2015-05-08Once you “Get Clear” and “Get Organized” it’s time to “Get Going” with everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction. Successful businesses know how important it is to move into action quickly after the direction has been set.

In my previous two blog posts I shared the first 5 steps of the strategic planning process that help you to “Get Clear” about the direction of your organization, and three steps to “Get Organized”. The focus of this blog is moving into action.

Here are the next 2 steps of the strategic planning process cycle to help you “Get Going”…

9.  Prepare for Ignition – Jack Welch said, “When it comes to strategy, ponder less and do more.” After you have defined your Goals, Objectives and Strategies, it’s time to identify how you are going to achieve them—tactically. It’s time to pay attention to the details—to identify the detailed Tactics (action steps), to schedule the timeline for accomplishing them, to identify the resources required, and to assign people to each task.

Now the proverbial “rubber meets the road.” Up to this point, you have been building potential energy, similar to that of rollercoaster cars climbing the initial big hill. Now it’s time for kinetic energy to take over as the rollercoaster cars rush down from the top of the hill—as you put your plans into action! It can be very exciting—and sometimes a little scary. So remember, too, that it’s time to step into your fear and experience the fruits of your labor.

Jack Canfield says, “Remember, you and you alone are responsible for maintaining your energy. Give up blaming, complaining, and excuse-making, and keep taking action in the direction of your goals–however mundane or lofty they may be.”

10.  Keep the Energy Flowing – Napoleon Hill said, “All natural laws and all of nature’s plans are based upon harmonious, cooperative effort.” So, who is responsible for the success of your new strategic plan? Everyone! Gain enthusiastic support and buy-in for the plan by involving ALL employees in the process. Assign everyone a piece of the puzzle to help keep the plan alive. Once your action plans are complete, the task at hand is to keep them alive, employing everyone’s cooperation and collaboration. Don’t let your planning book gather dust on a shelf, never to be seen again until next year’s planning retreat. Allow your strategic plan to be a living, breathing guide to individual and organizational success.

Done right, the strategic plan should guide everyone’s actions by constantly reminding them of the most important use of their time. Create an environment where everyone collaborates to deliver “24k Gold Service” that improves customer and employee loyalty and maximizes profitability.

What do you do to “Get Going” with everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction?

Much success and fulfillment,


Chief Inspiration Officer
Business Energizers™

This post is adapted from my book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. Click this link to learn more or purchase:


I invite you to follow this blog to learn and share valuable tools and tips. And please connect with me on my social media channels.

12-2nd Phase Intro-Fig06AP85-COI Get OrgHow do you help your employees “Get Organized” as you energize and engage your employees with an inspiring strategic planning process? That’s what successful businesses do.

In my previous blog post I shared the first 5 steps of the strategic planning process that help you to “Get Clear” about the direction of your organization.

Here are the next 3 steps of the strategic planning process cycle to help you solidify your strategic direction and…

Get Organized!

6.  Do Some Soul Searching – Warren Buffet said “In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” When you reflect on and understand your Strengths, Possible improvements, Opportunities and Challenges (SPOC Analysis) as an organization, you can chart the best course toward your goals and figure out the actions needed to reach your company vision.

7.  Focus Your Energy – What you focus on expands and grows stronger, so, focus your attention on your desired intention. This will help you to know which opportunities to say “yes” to and which to say “no” to. Oprah Winfrey said “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

8.  Chart Your Course – Companies that use strategic planning to set only financial targets are missing out on some of the most rewarding benefits and possibilities. Establish goals, objectives, and strategies that will be inspiring and energizing, not just financial targets to achieve. Involve your employees in the process before you get too far down the path.

What else do you do to “Get Organized” and get everyone moving toward achieving your strategic direction?

Much success and fulfillment,

Chief Inspiration Officer
Business Energizers™

This post is adapted from my book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. Click this link to learn more or purchase:


I invite you to follow this blog to learn and share valuable tools and tips. And please connect with me on my social media channels.

Energize and engage your employees with an inspiring strategic planning process that helps everyone get clear, get organized, get going, and get results. That’s what successful businesses do.

Here are the first 5 steps of the strategic planning process cycle that, done right, tends to amplify and accelerate the success of any organization:

To Get Clear about your unique company culture and strategic direction…

  1. See Where You Ar05-1stPhase Intro-Fig04-P31-Get Clear COI 2015-04-21e – Many leaders are trying to run their organizations with “flat spots” that decrease productivity, produce inefficiencies, and impede growth. A strategic plan is vital for any start-up or seasoned business. It is like a trail map and compass for hiking in the wilderness. But to begin any journey, you first need to know where you are.
  2. Remember Your ‘Big Why?’ – Knowing your core purpose keeps you centered on what’s most important—during good times and challenging times. The purpose of your organization is like the seed of an apple. No one knows the potential yield of your organization and how much can be produced in the lifetime of your company.
  3. Infuse Your Culture – Values are your guide for weathering ethical dilemmas. They become the fabric for weaving good sound decisions. Values should be at the core of all the decisions employees make. They show what your company stands for.
  4. Know Your Business – Clearly defining your mission helps you know what opportunities to say “yes” to and which to say “no” to. Once you have created your mission statement, you will have defined the limits of what you will focus on as an organization. W. Clement Stone said “When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.”
  5. Envision Your Future – When you create a clear vision, it expands the collective thinking of your organization to encompass greater possibility and influence. A lofty vision is energizing. It excites everyone involved. It generates hope for the future. Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

How well has your organization done with involving your employees in the creation of these first five elements of the strategic planning process?

Much success and fulfillment,


(Excerpts from Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process)

Energize Your Business cover

Do you own a business, are you thinking of starting a business, or are you a leader in an organization? If so, I bet you know how vital creating a strategic plan is to the success of your business. I hope you also understand how important employee engagement is for achieving enthusiastic buy-in and support of the plan.

That is the very reason I have invested the past 9 months documenting my secrets, tools and tips in my new book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. I am happy to share with you my 25 years experience of facilitating strategic planning and employee engagement processes.

My bouncing baby book is finally in the birth canal! Today I approved the book and it will be released on November 9, 2015, in both print and eBook forms. I am excited to share this valuable information, so stay tuned.

You can learn more, and even take advantage of my current eBook pre-release special by clicking this link https://www.EnergizeYourBusiness.biz.

Much success,

Ray Madaghiele, Chief Inspiration Officer
Business Energizers™ a division of Transformational Learning Center