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How to Create a Balanced, Successful and Fulfilling Life

Do you know what it takes to live a balanced, successful and fulfilling life? If not, you may find that your life feels like it is spinning out of control with all the chaos and turbulence that we have been experiencing lately in the world in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires and politics.

This is the perfect time to refocus your attention on the things that you can control and restore balance back to your life. Don’t let others dictate what you should focus on. Invest some personal time on self-discovery to create your own energy focus for the key areas of your life.

Staying fulfilled and successful is a continuous balancing act. Things are in a constant state of fluxchanging and transforming from one state to another. Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed and out of balance it is time to reassess how you are spending your time and refocus your attention on the things that matter most to you. Remember…

There is no guarantee of tomorrow, so live more fully today.

3 Steps to Create a Balanced, Successful and Fulfilling Life 

  1. Assess Where You Are —

    Wheel of Life Assessment

    We are each working to balance the key areas of our life with the 24-hours per day we have allotted to us.  This can cause us to sometimes get out of balance in areas of our life that are important to us. How balanced is your life right now? On the Wheel of Life Assessment, rate your present level of happiness and satisfaction in each of the key areas of your life identified.  How fulfilled and successful do you feel in each area? A ten (10) indicates that you are completely satisfied and couldn’t be more satisfied if you tried.  A zero (0) indicates that you have “no life” (no satisfaction) in that area. Rate yourself as you see yourself now in all the areas of your life. Be as honest with yourself as possible. Try not to over-think your answers. Trust your initial feelings.

  2. Identify Areas for Improvement — Now, plot your scores from the Assessment above, in each corresponding sector at the appropriate concentric circle level (Zero is at the center; 10 at the outer edge).

    Wheel of Life


    See the following example. Low or flat spots in your wheel are areas to focus your attention on. These are areas that are good candidates for setting goals and creating action plans.

    Wheel of Life Example


    Look at your results and answer these questions:

  • Can your wheel roll (it is quite difficult for a flat tire to roll)?
  • What areas of your wheel have low/flat spots that are causing your life to be out of balance?
  • Which of these low/flat areas of life would you like to improve now?
  • Why do you desire to improve these areas?
  1. Create an Action Plan and Implement It — Identify goals, objectives, strategies and tactics to get your life back in balance. Commit time and resources daily to get your wheel back into balance while, at the same time, being conscious of not knocking the other areas of your life too far out of balance.

This Wheel of Life exercise is a good quick assessment to perform anytime you are feeling that your life is getting too far out of balance. It will help you to keep focusing your attention on areas that will make a positive difference in your level of success and fulfillment.

Much success and fulfillment,
