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Cone of Influence-Core Purpose, Core Values, Mission, and Vision.What is the expansive Vision for your company?


Benefits of Defining a Clear Vision

  • A powerful Vision EXPANDS THE COLLECTIVE THINKING of your organization to encompass greater possibility and influence.
  • A lofty vision is ENERGIZING. It EXCITES everyone involved. It generates HOPE for the future.
  • An expansive Vision has everyone ASPIRE TO REACH NEW HEIGHTS with a clear picture of what you are striving to achieve as an organization.

Creating Your Cone of InfluenceTM

In my previous three articles, we explored the power of Purpose, Values, and Mission.

In this article we will “tackle” Vision (tis’ the season for a little Superbowl lingo), the other element that together forms the “Cone of InfluenceTM” of your organization.

These elements DEFINE THE DEPTH AND BREADTH OF WHAT IS IMPORTANT to your organization.

The loftier your vision, the wider your Cone of InfluenceTM.

Knowing What to Say “Yes” To and What to Say “No” To

Your Cone of InfluenceTM IMPROVES DECISION-MAKING so you quickly know what to say “yes” to, and what to say “no” to.

The stars in the above graphic represent POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITIES to expend or invest resources. Any stars outside the Cone of Influence represent those you should not include in your planning. They are not in alignment with the direction and focus of your organization. You should say “no” to these.

Those stars within the Cone of Influence represent opportunities that you could develop or undertake, depending on available resources. These are opportunities in ALIGNMENT WITH WHAT IS IMPORTANT to your organization that you can say “yes” to.

Defining the Vision of Your Organization

  • Identify what do you see as your organization’s most DESIRED FUTURE STATE—with everything in perfect working order.
  • Don’t worry about when you will achieve it; instead, FOCUS YOUR ENERGY first on what it looks like.
  • Then, after you’ve created the perfect picture, by all means begin IDENTIFYING THE TIMEFRAMES in which you think you can achieve each of the elements of the vision.

As a personal practice, I make it a point to do business with people who CREATE AN EXTRAORDINARY EXPERIENCE. So do your customers.

What is the lofty Vision of your company?

Much success and fulfillment,



If you enjoyed this article, I think you’ll also enjoy these three articles about  The Power of Purpose , Creating a Culture with Core Values, and Generate Mission-Centered Enthusiasm.

Also, this FREE online class will shine more of a light on the Power of Values and other elements of strategic planning…

Click this link to my resources page to get access to my FREE Strategic Planning 101 online class.

I am happy to talk if you have questions or want assistance with strategic planning. Click this link to schedule a free 30-minute energizer Zoom call.