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Successful Businesses Get Organized to Create Their Own Destiny

12-2nd Phase Intro-Fig06AP85-COI Get OrgHow do you help your employees “Get Organized” as you energize and engage your employees with an inspiring strategic planning process? That’s what successful businesses do.

In my previous blog post I shared the first 5 steps of the strategic planning process that help you to “Get Clear” about the direction of your organization.

Here are the next 3 steps of the strategic planning process cycle to help you solidify your strategic direction and…

Get Organized!

6.  Do Some Soul Searching – Warren Buffet said “In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” When you reflect on and understand your Strengths, Possible improvements, Opportunities and Challenges (SPOC Analysis) as an organization, you can chart the best course toward your goals and figure out the actions needed to reach your company vision.

7.  Focus Your Energy – What you focus on expands and grows stronger, so, focus your attention on your desired intention. This will help you to know which opportunities to say “yes” to and which to say “no” to. Oprah Winfrey said “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

8.  Chart Your Course – Companies that use strategic planning to set only financial targets are missing out on some of the most rewarding benefits and possibilities. Establish goals, objectives, and strategies that will be inspiring and energizing, not just financial targets to achieve. Involve your employees in the process before you get too far down the path.

What else do you do to “Get Organized” and get everyone moving toward achieving your strategic direction?

Much success and fulfillment,

Chief Inspiration Officer
Business Energizers™

This post is adapted from my book, Energize Your Business: Engage Your Employees with an Inspiring Strategic Planning Process. Click this link to learn more or purchase:


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